Friday, February 13, 2009

Spank my Booty???

Okay, so this happened a little while ago but I forgot to blog about it and since I'm here I might as well amuse my whole 3 followers of this blog.

I was at Ross trying on some tasteful and sexy lingerie. Tomb Raider was with me and she was restless so I pulled out my I-pod and let her have a listen. A few minutes later, she looks at me, takes the ear buds out of her ears, and says, "Mommy, spank my booty?"

I was completely mortified as I said "WHAT!?! Let me see that I-pod!" sure enough there it was "Spank My Booty" by Lords of Acid filling my little girl's ears with S&M lyrics as I tried on sexy clothing!

I really hope no one else in that fitting room heard the words spank my booty roll of the top of her innocent tongue!

So, parents, like I've said before...your kids are watching your every move...and listening to every word...even if it's something you don't want them to know!

NOTE TO SELF-make a play list of kid safe songs for my I-pod!

1 comment:

Alyssa McVey said...

That is funny! I would have been embarassed as well. I don't have many followers either. Oh well... :)